We value our customers' satisfaction and strive to provide the best experience with Robofy AI Chatbot. To make your purchase more enticing, we now offer a 14-day, no-questions-asked refund guarantee. If you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, you can request a refund within 14 days of the original purchase date.
One Time Fee & Refunds
One-time End Product fees are generally non-refundable. However, if you believe that your payment was charged in error, you can provide written notice to our Customer Support and request a cancellation of your fee. To initiate the refund process, please email us at hi@robofy.ai within 14 days of the original purchase date.
Before purchasing Robofy, we recommend reviewing our refund policy. Once you have made a purchase, the payment for the product is generally non-refundable. However, with our new 14-day refund guarantee, you have the opportunity to request a refund within 14 days of the original purchase date. Please note that this policy is in place due to the nature of our chatbot, which involves crawling websites and utilizing the services of OpenAI. Despite these limitations, we want to ensure your satisfaction and provide you with the option for a refund within the specified timeframe.
We encourage you to thoroughly evaluate Robofy's features and specifications, and reach out to our customer support team with any questions or concerns before making the purchase. Our team is ready to assist you with any queries or issues you may encounter while using Robofy.
Subscription Fee & Refunds
You have the flexibility to stop and cancel your Subscription Services at any time. If you decide to cancel, the cancellation will take effect immediately upon your request. However, please be aware that the cancellation of the Subscription Fee will be effective starting from the next Renewal Period. In other words, your subscription will be canceled at the end of the period for which you have already made payment.
To ensure a smooth cancellation process and avoid any future charges, we recommend submitting your cancellation request at least 7 business days before the expiration of the current Subscription period.
Resolving disputes
If you find yourself in a situation where you and Robofy cannot reach an agreement regarding a refund, you have the option to raise a dispute and request an investigation. We will carefully consider all available information and make a decision based on the merits of the case. Please understand that our decision regarding refunds is final.
We value your feedback and strive to improve our services continuously. If you have any questions or require further assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our customer support team.